Song about the Tudors

Horrible Histories


Smallworld Tutorial

The first is better

This is the one we watched in class:


Horrible Histories

Terrible Treasure



First Try For a Comics

Second Conditional

Follow the links:

Listen to the song reading the lyrics.

Beyonce's Interview

This is Beyonce's interview I'd like you to listen to several times.

And this is the script:

What's your worst habit?

My worst habit... is... What is my worst habit? My worst habit is probably being not so organised when I'm home. I'm very organised when I'm working, when I'm travelling, but when I get home I don't want to think about anything so I throw everything around... I don't like to keep things tidy.

What's your killer move at the disco?

When I am on the dance floor - believe me or not - I don't have a killer move, so I kind of rock side to side, I move my feet. I dance like my parents. I save all the moves for the stage.

When did you last want to punch someone?

The last time I wanted to punch somebody... That's very violent. Maybe... I don't know. I don't really have the urge to punch too many people. I have a pretty good control of my temper. Most of the time. I mean... It's been very rare. Maybe once or twice ... Maybe two times in my life that I can remember wanting to punch somebody.

What's the song you'd like to be remembered for?

If I could be remembered for one song I think it would be probably Crazy in Love. I think it's a classic R&B record. Either that or Say my Name.

What's the most embarrassing moment on stage?

The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me on stage is probably forgetting lyrics. Either that or... I've fallen a couple of times. When I'm falling... just about... I don't want to say every time but most of the times I kind of play it off and act like I did a trick and kind of spin back up.

What's the surest way to your heart?

The surest way to my heart is honesty. Definitely someone as honest and open  that I can trust.

What's the most annoying noise you can make?

OK. The most annoying noise I can make... Maybe smacking. I think smacking is terrible. It's like when you are chewing a gum and you're like smacking. I try not to do that.

What do you wish you were better at?

I wish I was better at cooking. I can't cook very... many dishes.  I don't really have the speciality. I did my really good rice and peas and yams. Only one time. And they were OK, not great but good enough.

Which song are you proudest of?

The song of my new album I'm proudest of is probably Resentment. I feel like vocally... I feel like vocally I've grown and I feel like all the chord changes and the beautiful harmonies and the lyrics are something that I'm really proud of.

What's the craziest thing you've read about yourself?

I've heard many crazy things about myself. The most recent. I mean every day I hear something crazy. The most recent crazy thing is probably that my label and management told me I could not come to London because of the terrorist attacks. Gratefully I flew private so I didn't have to worry too much about what I packed, though, even on a private plane I cannot bring liquids back to America and I had to identify my own bags. It was still pretty strict.

Tell us something nobody know about you.

Something nobody know about me is that I've just had a laugh attack. Maybe 5 minutes ago. And you know, when you start laughing and you can't stop yourself and you are so embarrassed that it makes it even funnier. I just did that during an interview. No one knows that but you guys.